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Get instant definitions, etymologies and more for any word right from your mobile device

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What is Oxford Dictionary of English FREE APK

Oxford Dictionary of English is a free app for Android phones and devices that lets you look up words you don't understand and find definitions for those words.

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of the book or reading an online article and stumbling over a word you never saw before? While you can sometimes use the structure of the sentence to figure out its definition, you can now use this app to find the exact meaning behind that word.

While Oxford Dictionary of English does not include every word in the English language, it does include definitions of more than 350,000 words, including common words and some rarer words. It is easy to use because it has an auto complete feature that works in the same way your phone's text system does. As you enter letters, it will predict the word that you want to use. As soon as you see that word, you can click on it and do a quick search.

This free app for Android devices does limit what you can do and will ask if you want to upgrade. It can also sometimes search a little slower than you would like, which can be frustrating. Most people who want to look up word definitions without keeping a dictionary nearby though will appreciate Oxford Dictionary of English.


  • Includes a comprehensive database of common and rarer words
  • Is easy to use
  • Will automatically complete words you enter to help you search faster


  • Requires that you pay for some features
  • Does not include all words you might search for
  • Is sometimes a little too slow